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Partner Profiles

Fuelling Learning

Fuelling Learning

Eat Up works to ensure that the one in five students who go to school without eating, are fed. Using a network of volunteers and donations from large and small food companies, Eat Up makes and delivers nutritious lunches to registered schools. What this achieves is much more than a meal. As well as no longer being hungry, children feel connected, are able to concentrate in class, and have the energy for sports and play. And for many, their attendance is improving.

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Enabling education

Enabling education

School for Life helps disadvantaged primary and secondary school aged school students in the Mpigi District of Uganda access an education. Currently working in partnership with two local primary Government schools, School for Life delivers practical support. This ranges from teacher training to meals to enable students to come to class and engage in their learning. Through this support, and growing demand, over 1,000 children will be in the program in 2024.

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Mimal Learning on Country

Mimal Learning on Country

In the remote community of Bulman in the Northern Territory, First Nations students are learning about their culture and how to care for their country from the Mimal Women Rangers. The Learning On Country program, funded by the Karrkad Kanjdji Trust, is a partnership between Mimal Rangers and the local school. The On Country lessons are a regular and formal part of the curriculum. The effect is seeing school attendance rise and new opportunities for local employment and further education.

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Clontarf Foundation

Clontarf Foundation

The Clontarf Foundation works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys and young men during their secondary school years. The goal is for all First Nations boys and men to feel supported, capable and confident in all areas of their lives. How this is done is through a comprehensive in-school program delivered throughout the year. With 23 years of results, growing demand as more boys and young men decide to stay at school and increasing program locations, Clontarf’s academies help lasting change happen.

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Belief, recognition and action

Belief, recognition and action

Helping First Nations girls and young women achieve their full potential in all areas of their lives is what drives the programs and services of the Stars Foundation. With over 2,900 students in more than 50 primary and secondary schools across Australia involved with mentoring and support, it is changing lives. Attendance rates at school are up as are the number of students successfully completing Year 12 and moving into work and further study.

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Next-gen stewards

Next-gen stewards

Students in the Hwange and Tsholotsho Districts of Zimbabwe live and learn side by side with wildlife with the country’s largest protected area, the Hwange National Park. This experience directly impacts every aspect of their lives and their families agro-based livelihoods as they learn to co-exist with the wildlife industries of conservation and tourism. Helping bring understanding and practical strategies to balance these considerations is one of the IFAW’s programs for primary age students, the Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP. Working in partnership with ZimParks and local schools, IFAW brings resources and activities that support and equip children’s learning now and for the future.

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Commitment, courage and community

Commitment, courage and community

At the Orkeeswa School in Tanzania, a comprehensive and locally led outreach program for Maasai students is creating significant and lasting impact. Faced with few school resources and a history of poor academic performance, primary-age students from eight schools are being supported with new skills, mentoring and leadership opportunities. The goal, to increase retention in school, improve academic results and for girls to continue their education beyond the early years. And it is working.

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Securing our futures

Securing our futures

Central Rift Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is agricultural and community development program for farmers to help sustainably improve productivity. Delivered in partnership with World Vision Australia, local and international governments and farmers in the Rift Valley of Kenya the aim is to improve access to food and increase resilience for 10,000 households with 10,000 hectares under regenerative management. FMNR is a practice that is growing across Kenya, supported by policy and government arrangements to improve the livelihoods of all farmers and the community.

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Transforming lives through water

Transforming lives through water

Inclusive WASH is a practical program to improve access to clean water in Rwanda and it is transforming lives. Delivered by World Vision Australia, Inclusive WASH installs water systems, water filters, builds latrines and shower facilities and provides community education programs. In cooperation with local government and providers, Inclusive WASH has assisted over 110,000 people, around half of them children. Its impact continues to ripples in all areas of the community, especially for children.

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Remote Pools Program

Remote Pools Program

In remote communities, pools play a vital role in community wellbeing, especially for children. Pools are the focus of the YMCA’s Remote Pools Program, a locally led and culturally appropriate partnership supporting First Nation children and their families. With locally engaged staff, and the program’s ‘yes school yes pool’ rule, children meet, swim and play at the pool and learn the importance of good health. And it is making a real difference.

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Equity, Education and Employment

Equity, Education and Employment

For young Aboriginal people from the age of five to 25 years, helping them start work and stay strong is how Ganbina’s long term program Jobs4U2 delivers sustained results. The program tackles generational disadvantage through education, leadership and community. By having this continuity of care and connection for the region’s young people throughout these important years, school attendance, Year 12 completion, tertiary education and employment rates are significantly higher than state and national averages.

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Advancing Young Athletes

Advancing Young Athletes

For many young high performing emerging athletes, there can be one big challenge to playing and competing that is hard to overcome. Passion, talent and commitment are within the athlete but often having access to the essential financial resources are not. For emerging and elite athletes, the costs include memberships, insurances, transport, equipment and competitions. The Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund steps up to fill this need.

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Growing Our Own

Growing Our Own

The Roots & Shoots Resource Box is a physical and online primary school teachers’ resource to use in class with their students. The learning sequence is mapped to the Australian curriculum with interactive and immersive lessons designed to engage and encourage students. While focused locally on helping create conservation and compassion change agents, the collective actions of the many schools and their students is now a global movement.

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Building Block Schools

Building Block Schools

In remote and earthquake-devastated Indonesia, Classroom of Hope is creating significant and lasting change for students and their families. Over 400 schools were damaged or destroyed during the 2018 earthquakes, leaving thousands of children unable to continue their formal education. Community by community, Classroom of Hope is helping students return to learning through its Block Schools Program, a modular, complete, durable, sustainable classroom and teaching solution.

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Leading change

Leading change

Growing the cognitive, social and emotional skills of primary students in Tanzania and Kenya is the goal of So They Can’s My Voice Project. Working with a range of international and local partners in 42 primary schools, the My Voice project is helping 26,000 students develop their self-esteem, confidence and leadership potential. This intensive support is vital in their early years and is delivering sustained results.

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